In general,The themes That I worked on the 90s,appeared as a constant reference to the existencial self-destruction of humanity,from the individual dimension to the broadder concept of society
I participate in an aesthetic of the 20th century where expressionism,surrealism,that projection of conceptual art outside of phisical framework of painting,sculpture in spaces outside the galleries,together with the combination of intallation elements,worked for me to communicate my concerns end of the century
Another core of my critical discourse in my works reflects the consequences of living in a communist dictatorship.the insular condition,the survival instinct with creativity,the exodux,questions posed by the cuban art school,in an inward look,which in turn transcends its own borders.
One last topic as a portrait of modern societies from different latitudes.It arises to the beat of my journal written in necessary trips and recent experiences,while I plan where to carry my art, is a pause in a inexorably accelerated world
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